Tuesday, November 18, 2014

On 1:41 AM by Unknown   No comments

Justin Bieber Grandparents HomeIf you wanna lay your head on 
Justin Bieber
's pillow ... or even frolic in his bed ... all you have to do is pony up $279K -- and you can own Justin's boyhood bedroom.
Justin's grandparents are selling their 3-bedroom home in Stratford, Ontario ... and one of those bedrooms belonged to young Biebs -- who spent about 80% of his childhood at the house.

The house is being marketed as Justin's former crib.  As for the asking price ... it's pushing it, but grandma and gramps think a rich Belieber will ante up.

Real estate sources say the home has been updated ... but Justin's room has been left intact -- it's decorated the way he liked it ... with the logo of his favorite hockey team, the Toronto Maple Leafs, emblazoned on the bedding, curtains and wallpaper.

Too bad 14-year-old girls don't buy houses.


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